Congratulations Jonathon - our 2023 Employee of the Year!

Please join us in congratulating Jonathon - our 2023 Employee of the Year!

Jonathon began his journey at FC as a Support Team Member in Vic in 2019, before moving to his first permanent role in 2019. 

In 2021 he made the move to Optus, where he worked with the team to enhance the services provided in Victoria, whilst also overseeing our SA and WA locations. 

This year has been an especially big year, with Optus relocating from two Collins St offices to a single location, with Jonathan putting a massive effort that was appreciated by all involved, including senior staff at Optus. His attention to detail and calm persona meant the move went much smoother than anticipated. 


He received the following feedback for his efforts:

“Hi Team,

We are all set for next week. The team are very excited to welcome everyone to the new office next week.

A special thanks to Jonathon Hardy for his tremendous support and leadership so far.

Roll on Monday!!”

“Just a note to wish you and your teams all the best for a massive weekend before the big day in our new office from Monday 24th. I know how hard you have all worked to reach this point. I’m sure that I can speak on behalf of leadership and the Project Steerco when I say that your efforts are greatly appreciated, and I’m sure that our Melbourne colleagues will feel the same when they arrive on Monday!”

“A short note to say a huge well done and thank you for your efforts over the last few weeks, culminating in the interim move over the weekend of our teams into 271 Collins Street. I’d be surprised if there weren’t a few hiccups, however, I have only heard glowing reports that the move has been extremely well handled and very well received.

This is particularly impressive given that this interim move was not part of the original plan and has added to the already complex nature of the project.

Thank you again, and now we march on for the big move in 4 weeks’ time!!!”

Congratulations Jonathon on a fantastic year and a well deserved award. 

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