First Contact Develops Leading-Edge Recruitment and Job Exchange Software.
Contact: John Ortner, +65 3106-4242 or john.ortner@firstcontact.co
First Contact Develops Leading-Edge Recruitment and Job Exchange Software
SINGAPORE, June 3, 2022 – First Contact is pleased to announce the development of FC Exchange (FCX) for job listings and a candidate tracking solution for the workplace and facilities sector. “Due to an industry demand for a mission-critical talent acquisition application, we developed a specialist workplace recruitment software for major occupiers, headquarters and property groups, and FCX fills that need," said John G. Ortner PhD, Managing Director.
Furthermore, he adds “using AI machine learning processes, we are able to leverage off FCX's impressive database and search capabilities to establish us with a substantial competitive advantage in corporate real estate. First Contact is the first workplace and facilities group to incorporate this leading-edge cloud eco-system globally.
“Our mission has always been to harness the latest cloud computing technologies and provide our clients with a range of solutions that greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects of the recruitment process”, said Richard Parekh, Head of Cloud Services. He states that First Contact has partnered with Microsoft to be a provider of innovative Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and talent-bank solutions across corporate real estate.
FCX is a powerful real-time database application, designed to help support the recruitment process and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of detailed recruitment searches. “Feature-rich and yet easy to use, FCX is the only online, collaborative, platform-independent ATS that is truly “real-time”. This allows recruiters the fastest possible access to their candidate applications and database,” said John Ortner, Managing Director of First Contact.
Contact John Ortner on +65 3106-4242 or email john.ortner@firstcontact.co or visit at https://firstcontactglobal.com/fcxglobal
About First Contact
Since 2006, First Contact has operated great workplaces. As specialists in the planning and management of the operational real estate, facilities, and workplace needs of the occupier, we offer advisory, recruitment and management services to leading organisations. FCX is our proprietary full-cycle recruitment system and community portal. For more information, please visit us at www.firstcontact.co.
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